Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pigeons or Eagles: Which Are You? Part II

As mentioned in Part I (and again in Part III) of this series, if you’re applying for grad school and none of your friends have ever earned a masters degree or higher, or worse, have no intention of going back to school... it’s time to leave the pigeons alone & fly with the eagles.

If you’ve been out of college for whatever reason, but you’re ready to finish up your degree, then it’s time to leave that pigeon-mentality to soar with eagles.

If you've ditched the sidewalk to soar high above mediocrity, then you're now ready to renew your mind:

After last week’s post, Silence the Monster in You, I reflected on the past year of my life. I was depressed, sulky and had a low self-esteem about my academic career. Things just weren’t going my wayscholarship committees weren’t seeing my worth, financial mistakes proved I wasn’t smart enough and professors and my classmates gave me dirty looks, as if to say, ‘Why's this dumb girl here?’ Of course, this was all in my head. That monster attacked my confidence and divine purpose. Thank God the King in me showed up and expose that monster for what he truly wasa liar and a fraud.

In any event, I re-traced my undergrad years to pinpoint what worked back then, as to reinvent them for my graduate studies so I'd never question my destiny and potential again.

Quotes & Scriptures

If there’s one thing social media sites are flooded with that's inspirational quotes. Check out the Twitter box at the upper right corner of this page. From my twitter account, I retweet influential quotes all day long. Follow the sources by clicking on the hash tags (if you're wondering, what are hashtags? i.e. @1DgreeSepration). My new favorite quote is: “Rejection isn't saying that you're not good enough for them, it's saying they aren't good enough for you!” from motivational speaker and fellow-believer, Tony Gaskins.

Here are a few more I’ve collected over the years:

Inconsistency is of the devil

Faithfulness in this season prepares you for the next season

Never settle for ‘good enough’ if ‘better’ is a possibility

Faith without work is dead; work without faith is euthanization

Just Do It… and Move On

It’s Not What You Say, It’s What You Do

Type or write these out, add some of your own and hang them where you’ll see them every day. I taped them as strips to the back of my bedroom door, but you may prefer a mirror or your steering wheel. Say them aloud to yourself until they begin to spew out of you throughout the week. Every month or so, replace the ones you know by heart with new quotes you pick up at church, social gatherings, etc.

What are some of your favorite scriptures or quotes? How have they helped you in your career or in college?

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