Two months ago I wrote about the importance of writing out your six-month, one-year and five-year plan for enrolling or graduating from college. If you read the post FINAL CALL: Hop On The Train to Success then you know how important it is to write and spiritully digest your goals. In case you've fallen off, there's redemption, as I've created a more in-depth outline for you to get back on track:
You didn't think I would let you off the hook that easy, did you? Aha!
Re-Group & Do Over
First things first—write a new list of goals, beginning with your 6-month plan with a deadline for each item. It may include items as simple as "mail off my college application by Dec 31st" or "email my advisor about the status of my application this week."
Next, complete your one-year plan of what you'd hope to accomplish in a year's time, such as "earn a 4.0 in my first year" or "have saved $4,000 toward my tuition." Whatever your goals may be, make them practical and attainable.
Re-Group & Do Over
First things first—write a new list of goals, beginning with your 6-month plan with a deadline for each item. It may include items as simple as "mail off my college application by Dec 31st" or "email my advisor about the status of my application this week."
Finally, in your five-year plan write down your post-graduation and career goals. In this list, you may include such items as, "graduate with honors," "land an internship or permanent job with a Fortune 500 company" or "begin applying for graduate school." Remember, all things are possible for those who follow & trust Christ.
Re-Mix & Do Better
Place your list of goals in a prominent place. I've written mine in my devotional notebook, so whenever I flip through my church notes I'm prone to stop and take a look. Immediately, I'm reminded of my goals, my progress in accomplishing them and how I can do better. My PhD-pursuing sorority sister has hers on the refridgerator door, so every time she wants a late night snack, she's reminded that she should be studying, instead of pigging out. Your special place may be the bathroom mirror, your wallet or the back of your bedroom door.
Whatever space you decide upon, outline it with scriptures and motivational quotes that'll uplift you and propel you to your destiny. In Part II of Pigeons or Eagles: Which Are You? I offered several quotes that'll do just that.Re-Connect & Due Time
In my own academic, financial and spiritual pursuits, I've realized that they are all linked. My academic dreams depend on my spiritual desires just as much as my financial goals do. I need a closeness with God in order to be patient and discipline to get out of debt. Likewise, I need God's favor and guidance while in college. You see? It's all connected.
I encourage you to also find the connection. Ask God for guidance, wisdom, knowledge and faith to accomplish everything on your lists in His time. I promise, the rewards will be great.
For more assistance, email me about joining my (free) Xclusive Mailing List for in-depth, one-on-one encouragement on pursuing your educational goals.
What are you struggling with in writing or pursuing your academic goals? How are your academic, career, physical (health), emotional and financial goals connected to your relationship with God?
I encourage you to also find the connection. Ask God for guidance, wisdom, knowledge and faith to accomplish everything on your lists in His time. I promise, the rewards will be great.
For more assistance, email me about joining my (free) Xclusive Mailing List for in-depth, one-on-one encouragement on pursuing your educational goals.
What are you struggling with in writing or pursuing your academic goals? How are your academic, career, physical (health), emotional and financial goals connected to your relationship with God?
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