In my pursuit of becoming debt-free by mid-2011, I read anything & everything that'll give me guidance. Today, I came across a powerful article on Mocha Money that I believe could rip off the chains that covers the doorway to your academic dreams. The author, Dr. Charles Alonzo Peters candidly and expertly writes:
A monster resides in all of us. It silences our opinions, cages our dreams, and buries our ambitions. It’s time we destroy this beast once and for all....
The inner playa hater. The dream slayer. The fear creator.
That little voice that hashes up every past failure as evidence you’ll never succeed.
....You’re not alone. The inner antagonist plagues us all – even the most successful amongst us. Knowing this is liberating. Once you realize it’s not personal, the inner bully’s venom no longer has power.
Those that are more successful at creating truly liberating and amazing lives are not devoid of the inner devil, they’re just better at dealing with it, at kicking the voice inside into submission.
...Just think, someone’s life could be made better by the ideas, actions or thoughts that your inner foe is trying to suppress.
The concept your inner voice slams as silly or stupid may be the one that feeds a hundred people, clothes a thousand kids or saves a million lives. The business you plan to start could provide a valuable service to those who need it or employ people desperate for work.
Yes I’m sure the inner bully tried to prevent Steve Jobs from inventing Apple, Oprah from creating the Oprah Show, Michael Jordan from becoming a superstar, and a little Black boy with a strange sounding name from becoming President....
Anyway, you get the point. I could copy & paste the entire article, but I encourage you to read it yourself as the affects, I believe, could be life-changing--and that's no cliché.

God created you—his perfect creation—not to live in fear, but in joy, love, peace & sound mind. We know these traits, but the latter, sound mind, means to have common sense. Why would the same God that created Heaven & Earth, delivered Daniel, David, Joseph & the children of Egypt, put food on your table and clothes on your back suddenly desert you now? Get some common sense and tell that stinking monster: my Daddy did not redeem me to leave me. He will give me every college degree I desire... and then some.
The King in me is talking directly to the King in you. Slay that monster & take everything that the Lord has for you!
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