Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Silence The Monster In You


In my pursuit of becoming debt-free by mid-2011, I read anything & everything that'll give me guidance. Today, I came across a powerful article on Mocha Money that I believe could rip off the chains that covers the doorway to your academic dreams. The author, Dr. Charles Alonzo Peters candidly and expertly writes:

A monster resides in all of us. It silences our opinions, cages our dreams, and buries our ambitions. It’s time we destroy this beast once and for all....

The inner playa hater. The dream slayer. The fear creator.

That little voice that hashes up every past failure as evidence you’ll never succeed.

....You’re not alone. The inner antagonist plagues us all – even the most successful amongst us. Knowing this is liberating. Once you realize it’s not personal, the inner bully’s venom no longer has power.

Those that are more successful at creating truly liberating and amazing lives are not devoid of the inner devil, they’re just better at dealing with it, at kicking the voice inside into submission.

...Just think, someone’s life could be made better by the ideas, actions or thoughts that your inner foe is trying to suppress.

The concept your inner voice slams as silly or stupid may be the one that feeds a hundred people, clothes a thousand kids or saves a million lives. The business you plan to start could provide a valuable service to those who need it or employ people desperate for work.

Yes I’m sure the inner bully tried to prevent Steve Jobs from inventing Apple, Oprah from creating the Oprah Show, Michael Jordan from becoming a superstar, and a little Black boy with a strange sounding name from becoming President....

Anyway, you get the point. I could copy & paste the entire article, but I encourage you to read it yourself as the affects, I believe, could be life-changing--and that's no cliché.

I'll go on a limb first and admit, I, too, struggle with my inner monster and it's meaner than mean could get. It tells me: "Quit dreaming so big!" "Quiet down, you're too opinionated!" "You're not as good as you think you are." We all struggle with that inner voice that muffles the confidence of the 'king in you' (one of my favorite influential songs - see audio/video below. I'm listening to it as I type this; join me). But, just as the Bible says our minds can not fathom nor contain the true magnificence of God, our minds can not fathom nor contain our true destiny and potentialwe have absolutely no idea what we're capable of doing... unless we step out and simply allow God to carry us to that place. In other words, what ever academic or post-graduation dreams you see, multiply it 20 timesthat's what God sees.

God created youhis perfect creationnot to live in fear, but in joy, love, peace & sound mind. We know these traits, but the latter, sound mind, means to have common sense. Why would the same God that created Heaven & Earth, delivered Daniel, David, Joseph & the children of Egypt, put food on your table and clothes on your back suddenly desert you now? Get some common sense and tell that stinking monster: my Daddy did not redeem me to leave me. He will give me every college degree I desire... and then some.

The King in me is talking directly to the King in you. Slay that monster & take everything that the Lord has for you!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Procrastinators Are devil-Worshippers

Imagine the look on people's faces as they read the title of this week's blog. Imagine mine when I typed it. Well, before you cast a stone, allow me to share my story:

After a late night of studying, I headed home from the college library eager to rest my blood-shot eyes and stiff neck when a cop pulled me over.:-/ I was ticketed for a blown license plate light (among other violations). That happened in early 2009. It took me about six months to buy the bulb, another few months to fetch my screwdriver and another YEAR to stoop down to change the bulb myself. But, by that time, I'd been stopped about five times and racked up about $1,000 worth of traffic tickets. Now, let's do the math: the bulb cost less than $10 and it took about 10 minutes to replace, but now it's taking me nearly FOUR MONTHS to pay the countyall because of procrastination.

It's one thing to have unforeseen setbacks, like someone stealing your identity or when your child gets sick, but when our own laziness keeps us from the life God designed for usthat's just dumb.

We're not giving God glory when we let opportunities pass us up or squander our blessings, therefore, only the devil rejoices when we turn roadblocks into detours. Only satan smiles when we become discouraged and distracted. (Bet he wasn't smiling when I arranged to pay-off those tickets, though)

Procrastination will suck the joy, fulfillment and blessings right out of your life. It'll eat a potentially productive day away to where you're in your pajamas at 3 pm wondering, "Where has the day gone?" It left, and so will your dreams of finishing up a degree or applying for grad school if you don't GET UP & MOVE!!

Quit waiting for opportunities and second chances to land in your lap! Let me remind you: faith without work does not exist in the Kingdom of God.

Get Up! Apply for financial aid, loans, scholarships & grants before the deadline.

Go online & research courses on college websites!!

Stop complaining about your setbacks (as if you're the only one with them... puh-lease) and seize what's already yours!

Think of it this way: every day you waste, every minute of laziness you spend, every finger you point away from yourself is keeping you from your true purposea career job, a promotion and a raise, your own business or non-profit agency, a career change.

God wants to bless you, but how can He unless you MOVE!!

What do you procrastinate the most about? How has procrastination kept you from pursuing your academic dreams?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

FINAL CALL: Hop On The Train to Success

The Bible says that the devil wants to steal, kill and destroy your true purpose and detour you with doubt and fear. He’d have you think that you’re too old to pursue a degree or that the train to success has left you at the station. But, as believers, we're hip to satan's nasty tricks and we know that our God is one of second chances and truth is, the train never left. In fact, there’s a seat in the front row reserved just for you.

So, how do you get on the train?

In an email to subscribers, Bishop T. D. Jakes answers that question with sound advice:

"What's preventing your dreams from coming true? Every person has a vision; if you're alive today there's a dream living in you—a dream for your family, your career, your financial empowerment or education.

I pray over letters and emails daily from people who are dealing with disappointment, and I've had my own struggles and setbacks . . . let me encourage you.

When I first started the ministry in West Virginia, Serita and I struggled financially. I remember how discouraging it was when the electricity at our home was turned off. We had to choose between food for our babies and lights. God carried us through those financial and emotional storms. He continues to provide for our every need, especially now that our ministry has a global impact.

If you believe that you'll never have the resources to act on your vision, then you never will. In Ephesians 3:20, the Apostle Paul explains how important it is for us to expect great things from God: 'Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us . . .' (NASB).

Ignore the doubt and criticism you've heard and imagine walking across the stage to receive your college degree before you even sit in the first class. Despite the political and economic rumblings around you, imagine the sign above the office door of your business while you're drawing up your business plan. A dream born of God has a guarantee on it because the Bible assures us the Lord to finishes what He begins."

Pack Wisely
Firstly, while there’s nothing wrong with taking bags on this journey, the heavy, unnecessary baggage must stay behind or you’ll never leave the boarding ramp. You see, while you waited for your train to pull up, you packed some bad habits, such as regret, lack of faith, thinking less of yourself and other useless stuff that'll get you left behind. But, good thing you learned some good habits, like praising while you wait on the Lord, consistency, learning from your bad decisions and knowing that everything that happened in your life was planned by God.

What's Your Strategy?
Secondly, we must get your physical on par with your spiritual, meaning you must write a 6- and 12-month plan. As Allison Bates describes on DustinBates.org, everything in life needs a strategy. A Plan. What will take you from having your foot in the door to your entire body. You must ask yourself: What do you need to be enrolled within a year? Do you need to save money? Apply for scholarships, grants or loans? Do you need to Google a list of colleges you want to apply to? Whatever it is, it’s time to do it NOW!

No more procrastination!
No more excuses!These traits belong to the old you and we don’t hang with him/her anymore.

Seeing Is Believing
Thirdly, constantly talk to God about your academic and career goals. Like Bishop Jakes said, begin fantasizing about walking across the graduation stage and the smile you’ll have on your face. Remember, as the mind thinketh so he/she is. I see you as a graduate. Do you see yourself as a graduate, because seeing is believing and it's the first step toward living an abundant life.

What necessary and unnecessary baggage are you toting? What does you final destination look like?

So, Are You Down?

For nearly a month, God’s been bugging me about starting a blog that'll encourage young believers and others to continue a path that He’s set forth for them. His main desire is that you may have a fearless life and have it more abundantly.

While some people don’t believe higher education can give them that (and that may work for them), I believe God wants it for you too, or you wouldn’t be reading this right now.

For that reason, and because I recently accepted that I have a knack for coaching people toward their educational goals, I am committed in helping you prepare and enroll in college within a year.

With God ordering your steps and me providing the necessary mental and spiritual encouragement through regular blogs and redirecting you to related links, this support system relies mostly on your consistency, willingness to replace doubt & fear with faith and focus on this attainable goal today.

So, are you down?