First off, my humblest apologies for my week-long hiatus; I guess I needed some time to reflect. Although, as God sifted me, I sifted my mind, thinking of what you must be going through as I went through. (Does that make any sense?) You see, I rode an emotional roller coaster this week. Highs and lows. As I pick myself back up to stay in the climb, I’m pressured not to write another “it’s gonna be alright” post. Instead, I want to write for those that are climbing, on a high point and those who, like me, are so very thankful.
Being thankful—that’s what I wanted to write about last week during Thanksgiving, but personally I needed that time to be with God. No shopping. No gluttony. Just me & Daddy.
As the semester comes to a close (Congrats to the Class of 2010), you can’t help but reflect on where God has brought you from. What others thought was impossible, you’ve made possible.
For some, you may not be in school or was forced to take time off. Take heed in knowing God hasn’t forgotten His promise to you nor is He ignoring your faith.
A very good friend of mine is six months from graduating with his BA. He should have graduated eight years ago, but a terminal disease deterred those plans. Not only did it affect his body, but it polluted his confidence. Whenever I think of his story, I’m so grateful to God, knowing how bad things could be. Eight years could not stand in his way; nothing can stand in yours.

We’re God’s people. We’re bursting with potential, talent and possibility. Sometimes I feel like I’m suffocating, as if someone jammed me in a box and locked up my destiny. Do you ever feel that way? You’ve been locked up for so long that you forget that seasons come and go. When the idea of giving up seeps into my spirit, I’m pushed by many factors, including mere curiosity. I want to know how my story ends.
Call my crazy or just call me a Jesus-lover, but I feel the knot that Oprah felt, that little inkling that President Obama felt, the twitch that nagged Donald Trump. It’s the tiniest, itty bittiest feeling that something humungous is going to happen in my life. That I reek of greatness, my name will appear in big letters somewhere and I’m just a leap, skip and a jump away from it.
So, as you can tell. God and I had an intense conversation last week. And, again this morning and the bad news is still reeling in, so we have a lot more to talk about. I’m taking off my mask and will be simply vulnerable. I’m probably gonna cry… a lot. In the end, I’ll find the rock within, be reminded of where he brought me from, where I am & what He has prepared for me. Thankful!
What are you thankful for? What are you trusting in God for?
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